1709 E. 10th Street
Sioux Falls, SD 57103


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Dental crowns or caps that are custom built to fit over the tooth help to restore the look of your teeth and prevent further damage from occurring. This step is taken when the tooth is too decayed or damaged for a filling to solve the issue. Crowns are also used to cosmetically improve the appearance of your teeth.

Make an appointment today.

At Bondurant Family Dentistry, we offer a comprehensive selection of restorative dental services. There are many different materials and methods of restorative work related to chipped or cracked teeth, broken fillings, loose caps, and more.

Prior to any restorative dental service, your involvement in consultation and decision-making with our team makes it certain that you’re fully apprised of the treatment you’ll receive.

I drive 5 hours to see Dr.Meg. She has done 2 bridges and 4 crowns over 10 years. When I’m unable to make the 5 hour drive and see the local dentist in Iowa he always compliments the quality of the work.
I love seeing the new office.
Simply the best.
– Carolyn H.

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